Free uBTC Bitcoins. It’s legit, I have been collecting them for months, but it’s not what you think…

There are ways to earn free Bitcoins that are legit and all you have to do it wait 5 minutes on a web page. The link below is for Free uBTC. All you do is input your Bitcoin address, than type in a Captcha image to prove you are human than the pages you visit, 5 minutes at a time will give you Free Bitcoins. HOWEVER, they are not full Bitcoins like you may think. They are uBTC. A uBTC is equal to 1 millionth of a Bitcoin 0.000001BTC. It may not seem like alot but each site offers different amounts. I have seen as much as 32 uBTC. Over the past few months I have been researching this and going to site to earn uBTC and it works. It will take time to accumulate a real monetary worth but over the past few months I have made approx $50USD worth of uBTC. Hey is someone told you to go to this link and just wait, and gave you $50 bucks, you can sign me up any day of the week. The link below will bring you to and you can begin to start earning free Bitcoins. It is legit.

Donations for Family Affected By MTA Train Derailment

In reference to the re-blogged post below, and the one before that, I will be taking all of the Bitcoin donations received from the link below and I will be giving them to the Lovell Family. Jim Lovell was one of the 4 passengers that lost their lives on the Metro North train that derailed on December 1st 2013 near the Spuyten Duyvil station. He was a good family friend of mine and he is survived by his wife and 4 kids. My goal is to raise a minimum of 1 Bitcoin (as of now that would equal almost $1,100USD) The link below to donate is for 1/10th of a Bitcoin. If you would to donate more, or less please feel free and contact me with any questions at I created this coinbase account strictly for this purpose, to raise money for the family.

I’m not sure about the results of this blog post, so depending on the response and the amount of bitcoins raised, if the goal is not met or surpassed, I will gladly give back any of the Bitcoin donations received. If we meet our goal I will be giving the Bitcoins DIRECTLY to the family. 100% of the donations will go to the family. Feel free to contact me with any questions, and any donation is GREATLY APPRECIATED. Thank you all, and live each day to the fullest. Jim Lovell was a great man, with a great family and he surely will be missed. His memory will live on and he will not be forgotten.


Donate Bitcoins

Derailment Renews Questions On Automated Speed Control

I knew one of the people that lost their lives on this train. Jim Lovell. He was a great person, Father of 4 and husband. He will surely be missed. He lived his life always geniuinely interested in what others were doing with their lives. Everytime I saw him he would always ask how my family was and how I have been and he truly cared. Brooke, Finn, Jack, Hudson & Nancy, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Jim was a great person!

Accepting Donations Using Bitcoins

I recently decided to try and use Bitcoins as a way to start collecting donations and start a fund in order to donate money to local families in need of help, especially around the holiday. If you can help out, please do so here. I am accepting donations in the form of Bitcoins. If possible click on the button below and you will be prompted to fill out further information. I set it up so the donation button will be for 1/10th of a Bitcoin from your Coinbase account if you have one. Depending on the going rate, that will determine how much the donation will be for. Please let me know if the button works as this is the first time I have tried this. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you!

Donate Bitcoins